My research is focused on the development of contemplative practices for the university physics curriculum based on our evolving understanding of the human mind from cognitive science, psychology, and neuroscience. These practices are aimed at addressing some of the most fundamental objectives of a liberal arts physics education, including building effective problem-solving skills, effecting conceptual change, developing self-knowledge, recognizing connections between physics and human society, and supporting the inclusion and retention of all individuals in the field of physics. Thus far, our collection consists of a wide range of practices, including metacognitive and meta-affective writing, meditations on our sensory and embodied experience of the physical world, and contemplative videography essays.

Recent Work:

Zosia Krusberg, Andrew Feldman, and Elam Coalson. Exploring the subjective experience of physics problem solving through contemplative practice and introspective writing. In progress.

Noa Perlmutter and Zosia Krusberg. What we talk about when we talk about physics problem solving. In revision for publication in The Physics Teacher. Link.

Zosia Krusberg, Andrew Feldman, and Elam Coalson. Contemplating electromagnetic phenomena in lived experience through somatic meditation. The Physics Teacher 61, 113–117 (2023). Link.

Zosia Krusberg and Meredith Ward. Classical physics and human embodiment: The role of contemplative practice in integrating formal theory and personal experience in the undergraduate physics curriculum. The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry 5(1), 57 (2018). Link.